Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
回答:在节育、抗生素和新生儿重症监护病房发明之前,大多数女性的一辈子都消耗在怀孕、分娩、死于分娩、和生一堆孩子上,由于婴儿死亡率高,然后又没有节育措施,所以 16-40 岁的女性人口就被排除在发展自我之外了,否则,她们在领导/权力分配上会有很大的发言权。
与此同时,几千年来,所有的其他男人,由于不需要承担这项令人精疲力尽的致命工作,所以他们就利用所有的空闲时间,到处去玩战争和国王的游戏,这时,一个有利于他们的社会结构 – “父权制”, 就被创造出来了。 by
reddit 网友
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Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
- “我们将付出大笔代价”:一本关于气候危机的令人震惊的新书
- 社会需要为不可避免的崩溃做好更充分的准备
- 我们的生活方式让我们“陷入了一个大的庞氏骗局,我们可能已经有 1 万年了. 这个庞氏骗局的答案是将人类从目前的 77 亿人缩小到更可持续的 20 亿或 30 亿人。
- 我们长期以来一直想象的持续无休止的扩张的未来已经结束,一个由收缩定义的新未来即将到来
- Github 宣布 Trending 页面即将下线
- 外向的人毁灭世界 - NYPost
- 工人们意识到,被并不真正了解他们的老板提拔,可能更多地取决于给人留下令人眼花缭乱的印象,而不是他们的工作质量。
- “性格文化”让位于“人格文化”
- 苏斯曼指出,19 世纪建议手册中最常称赞的品质是“公民身份,义务,工作,金行为,荣誉,声誉,道德,礼仪和正直”。在后卡内基时代,这些概念被诸如“磁性,迷人,令人惊叹,有吸引力,发光,主导,有力和精力充沛”等词语所取代。
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
- 不可避免地,每个人都低估了流通中的愚蠢个体数量。
- 某个人愚蠢的概率与该人的任何其他特征无关。
- 人类分为四个基本类别:无助者、聪明人、土匪和愚蠢的人, 愚蠢的人是给另一个人或一群人造成损失的人,而他自己却没有获得任何收益,甚至可能遭受损失。
- 不愚蠢的人总是低估愚蠢个体的破坏力。特别是不愚蠢的人经常忘记,在任何时候,任何地点,在任何情况下,与愚蠢的人打交道和/或交往总是被证明是一个代价高昂的错误。
- 愚蠢的人是最危险的人,一个愚蠢的人比一个土匪更危险。
- hn 讨论
- 全世界民主国家的数量正在稳步减少,专制国家注册的专利比西方多。一个新时代正在到来-它可能会对我们的工作、金钱和生活产生巨大影响。
- 贝莱德(Blackrock)是世界金融巨头中的巨头,拥有超过 10 万亿美元,这个数字几乎是德国国内生产总值(GDP)的三倍。芬克确信,国际公司将退出一些国家。不仅因为经济风险,还因为道德风险。“今天的公司必须在一个非常不同的层面上面对政治和社会问题,”。他确实列举了一些可能从这种转变中受益的国家。例如,墨西哥和巴西。生产成本较低,但人权仍然在很大程度上得到尊重的国家。
- 这位总理如何看待即将到来的世界,可以从他邀请参加最近 G-7 峰会的其他客人以及其他六个主要工业化国家和欧盟(印度,印度尼西亚,南非,塞内加尔和阿根廷)中看到。来自三大洲的五个国家 - 塞内加尔总统 Macky Sall 也是非洲联盟的代表,非洲联盟有 55 个成员国。
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
百分之九十三的 Twitter 用户只有不到 100 个关注者 2009
Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
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Owen Young
Web developer, I like reading and explore the internet, so I have collected queit a few notes in my blog.
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